Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Jordyn's birthday and Christmas were great. Those 2 things this month made me happy. Filled my heart with love, joy and hope. Today I started spotting which means I will get my period shortly - within a day or so. My doctor predicted it would come before the end of the year - he's such a smart man. He said we could start trying again as soon as it came. Such hope and promise for the new year - we are ready for good things in 2010. It should make me feel happy. But all I feel right now is sadness. Seeing the blood is just a reminder that she is gone.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Some Answers

My doctor appointment last week went well. The pathology report showed that the samples they received were normal products of a degenerative pregnancy. I asked to see the post-operative report from the doctor and the pathology report - after all the medical tests I've had in the past, its helpful to read these even if I don't understand all the terminology. If they were in normal English instead of medical speak it would be better, but with google, it helps put the pieces together. The doctor said everything looked good - uterus and cervix all looked normal and gave us the go ahead to start trying again once I got my period, which he expected in 2-4 weeks. So we left feeling hopeful. Still sad, but hopeful.

Then this Tuesday I got a phone call from the doctors office that the chromosome testing was back from the Mayo clinic and they had more information as to why I had a miscarriage. It turns out this pregnancy was a triploid, which means it had a whole extra set of chromosmes. Normal humans have 46 chromosomes - 23 are inherited from each parent. It seems in this rare case, the egg was fertilized by 2 sperm which gave it the extra set, s0 69 total. The nurse said this condition is incompatible with life, meaning this baby wouldn't have survived. I asked her to fax me the complete report which she did. I started doing research on the condition and after what I've found out, it seems this was the best thing that could have happened. This condition is fatal and most pregnancies are lost in the first trimester. The ones that go on longer result in a stillbirth, or a death just after birth. I think God knew I couldn't handle that so decided to take it easy on me. As hard as this has all been to deal with, it makes sense to me now and I am now able to get some closure. I know now there is nothing I could have done to prevent this and its just one of those extremely unfortunate things that happened. The good news is its very unlikely to happen again, so it gives us renewed hope as we plan to try again.

If you'd like to read more about the condition, click this link - its provided the most information and given me the most answers.

The sad thing for me, is the pathology report listed the diagnosis as Triploidy 69,XXX. She was a girl. My Angel, which is what we are calling her. She is up in heaven watching over her mommy, daddy, and big sister, and hanging out with her grandpa who is protecting us all.

Sadness, but closure. And a heart full of love.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Up and Down

That's how I feel lately. One day I am OK, the next day I am a mess. And another day is a mix of both. It is so hard dealing with this miscarriage, but I am getting through it. Honestly, without Jordyn I don't think I'd be coping as well. When I feel sad I look at her and feel so blessed to have her. She is in a super cuddly phase right now and always wants to give hugs and kisses. Its like she knows her mommy needs them.

Exactly a week after the D&C I started feeling a little more normal. I went through my day and realized I hadn't cried at all. I stopped bleeding so was able to not think about it every time I went to the bathroom. Its amazing how different you feel once your hormones are back in balance. I started realizing that it wasn't my fault and there was nothing I did to make this happen. Just one of those things. I read other stories and heard from other people who had miscarriages at the same time in their pregnancies. Apparently around the 9/10 week mark is when some big changes occur in the baby from the embryonic to the fetal stage, and if the baby hasn't developed normally you start to see problems. I just keep asking myself why. Why me, why this baby, why? I try not to think too much about it but its so hard.

Tomorrow I go to see the dr for my post op visit. It will be 3 weeks since the D&C. They sent some tissue to pathology to be tested and I am hoping for some answers. I know there is a chance the test will be inconclusive, but I think it will help me get closure if I have an actual diagnosis. I also want to find out our chances for getting pregnant again with a healthy baby. I know its hard to say but if they found something in the pathology that would indicate a repeat incident, I want to know that as well. Physically I feel OK, except that I still look pregnant. My belly was getting hard where my uterus was growing and it still feels like that 3 weeks later. I have a fibroid tumor on the top of my uterus that I was able to feel through the outside of my pregnant belly with Jordyn, and I can feel it now. I want to know whats going on inside my uterus and if its all normal. I just hope I get some answers to help me get some closure.

I miss my baby.

Monday, November 16, 2009


it has been barely 5 days since i lost my baby and i am struggling. its so hard to get up in the morning when all i want to do is stay under the covers all day. i cry on and off all day and try with every fiber of my being to make it through each day.

i've made this blog public again. i need to get my feelings out, and if by doing that i can help someone else, then we can heal together. i have so much to say, and i want to get it all out but now, all i can do is cry. i miss my baby.

i am so thankful for my sweet jordyn. she is the reason i get out of bed every day and her smile makes me forget the sadness, if only for a minute. as the title of my blog states, i am truly a grateful mommy. she needs me and i will muster every ounce of strength i have to be the best mommy i can be for her. but i am so, so sad.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Its Over

I had some spotting yesterday and again this morning. I went to see my dr this morning and he did a sonogram - we didn't see a heartbeat. I am having a D&C on Thursday which is when I would have been 11 weeks. I cannot believe this is happening and I feel like I want to crawl in a hole and hide. I still can't get the image of that still baby in my belly out of my head. It looked like a baby. A dead baby. In my belly. Dear God, please give me the strength to get through this.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Blog

I am working on a new blog that I hope to have up and running soon. Stay tuned....

Friday, September 25, 2009


I had my first beta on Wednesday. At 14dpiui it was 159. I had another beta today and this time it was 528. Its a good doubling time - above average, which means could be twins. The nurse said its more than likely there is 1 healthy baby in there. I will go for a sono in 2 weeks to see what it looks like in there and how many there actually are.

When I was pregnant with Jordyn, I remember my first 2 betas were above average too - all the nurses were sure there was more than 1 baby in there. I can't find the spreadsheet I made with all the numbers from that pregnancy - its on an older computer and I have to dig around. I want to compare this pregnancy's numbers with Jordyn's and see how off it is.

I am still finding it hard to believe I am actually pregnant.

In other news, N's surgery went well and he is recovering on the couch with some good drugs. He's a trooper.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Holy S^@*!!!

I think I am still in shock. I don't even know what to say. After all the past difficulty I can't believe how easy it was this time. I almost still don't believe it. I went and had my first beta today - waiting for the results. Second beta Friday. Holy s^@*!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One More Day and Surgery

Tomorrow. Tomorrow I can test. Only one more day of torture. I can't stand it.

In other news, N is having knee surgery today. We've known for awhile it was a possibility, but at his dr appt last Wednesday, they made the final decision. The surgery scheduler was able to get him in today - less than a week from his last appt. I am happy that he's going to get it over and done with, but at the same time we had so much coming up these next few weeks that we now have to cancel, including a much needed date night, seeing Grease at a local theater, and ACL festival (which we have gone to every year since 2004.) I know its more important that he gets better, but I feel slightly bummed that we are missing all those things. Does that make me selfish, or just human?

Wish us luck today with N's surgery, and tomorrow with the dreaded POAS.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Symptoms or all in my head?

I can't figure out if I am having symptoms or if its all in my head. I am so dizzy and tired right now, I feel like I can't even keep my head up. It could also be the prometrium I am taking - it tends to make you a little light headed but this is insane. I am totally freaking out about testing on Wednesday. I bought 2 EPT tests this weekend - 2 for the price of 1. I don't know what to think. As I said before, this has been the longest 2WW ever.

In other news, N is having knee surgery tomorrow. He is totally bummed about it but I am sure it will all work out ok. he is a big baby when he's sick -aren't all men. so it looks like i will be doing everything for a few weeks whihe his is immobile. Hopefullt we'll get some good news on Wednesday.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

1 week down...

...and 1 to go. This 2WW has been rough. I am only halfway through and it feels like an eternity. Usually my weeks go by pretty quickly but it seems the last week has taken forever! It feels like next Wednesday will never get here. I am terrified to take the HPT. Completely and utterly terrified. One more week of torture and I'll know.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


The IUI was a success. 3 of the 4 follicles had already released, and we had a great sample to inject. Its amazing what adding that enzyme at home can do. The dr said my cervix was very tight, and he had to dilate it to get the catheter in. He has mentioned before this could be a reason we were having so many issues - it wasn't opening enough to get the swimmers in! And since I had a c-section with Jordyn it has never been naturally dilated.

So now we wait. The dreaded 2WW. I know these are going to be the slowest 2 weeks of my life, and I know I am going to analyze every cramp, every ache, every twinge. I wish I had something to distract me these next 2 weeks, but alas, its just me and my tortuted mind.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


IUI today. I am so f-ing nervous. I am trying to not be stressed because I know stress doesn't make babies, but I just can't help it. I want so much for this to work but deep down I am so afraid it won't.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fertile Myrtle

Well it would appear that I am extremely fertile. I had my follicle study this morning and I have a total of 4 ripe follicles (2 on each side), all between 21 and 24mm. My lining was 8.4, and all appears well for a good cycle. I was given the HCG shot to release the eggs, and sent home with my little jar and enzyme from the lab. IUI scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

I am not naive. I have been here before. Many times. I have had many ripe follicles, many linings that were more than favorable, many good cycles that ended up with negative HPTs and betas. I have every reason to be positive, but that little devil inside me is telling me not to get my hopes up. I just want this to be easy this time around. Please, please, please.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Round 2

Well, here goes. Let the flood gates open. We have officially started the path towards baby #2. Dear God, I hope it doesn't take another 7 years to get this baby. I am more hopeful as this time, we know the issues and we are working with the doctor to tackle them head on. When we found our fabulous doctor, we tried many things each cycle to try and achieve a positive result. We started with pills, then added a boost injection, then just strictly injections. We did single IUIs, back to back IUIs and sperm enzyme addition. The cycle I got pregnant with Jordyn, we did injections with back to back IUIs, and added an enzyme to the sperm jar at home, and I took prometrium after the HCG injection. Its amazing we didn't get multiples because I had 7 ripe, enormous follicles. This time, we decided to be slightly more conservative because I would like to avoid multiples, simply because I am afraid my body couldn't handle it. Being a kidney transplant patient, I am high risk anyway, so adding the stress of multiple babies would add stress to my body and make me even more high risk. We decided to start with pills, do a follicle study and from there, decide on 1 or 2 IUIs.

Today is cycle day 7. I took 5mg of Femara starting on CD3 and finished today. I have been feeling OK - the Femara doesn't have near the amount of side effects as Clomid, but I have been getting headaches. Other than that, I feel great. I will go to the dr on Tuesday for a follicle scan - this will be CD13. If the follicles look good and the lining looks good, I will get an HCG injection to release the egg(s) and then get sent home with my jar-in-a-bag and enzyme, and schedule the IUI for the following afternoon. Depending on how things look and if the follicles are still there, we'll do another IUI the next day.

I am hopeful this time. If it doesn't work, we'll just try again. I feel like the stress factor isn't there as much this time, mainly because I know I can get pregnant and have a baby. Before, each time it didn't work, my fear was that it was never going to happen. Now don't get me wrong. I know myself. If it doesn't work I will be sad, but I hope not as devastated as I used to get. And for some reason, if I can't get pregnant this time, or if it looks like it will be detrimental to my health because of my kidney, I'll be OK with it. I have my Jordyn. She is everything I ever wanted or needed. I want so much for her to have a brother or sister, and need to know I did everything I could to try and give her one.

So keep your fingers crossed for us. Hope for us. Hope that the journey to Baby #2 is an easy one, and the end result produces a healthy baby. And that mommy stays healthy. And sane.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Writer's Block

When I first started writing this blog, I wasn't sure what I wanted it to be. I wasn't sure who would read it or if they cared what I had to say. I was just so happy that my infertility journey came to an end, and I had a perfect baby girl as proof of all our hard work and wanted to share her. And maybe give hope to someone who felt like their journey was endless. If it worked for me, after 7 years of trying and a kidney transplant, it would surely work for someone else.

Lately, I've felt blocked. This year isn't anything I thought it would be. So much has happened, good and bad, and its left me feeling... well, blah. Sometimes I feel like I can't talk to anyone. I talk to N, and he is amazing, but writing has become my outlet. I've written other posts and deleted them, but I've decided to forge ahead. I have so much I want to say and I just need to get it out.

If you know me in real life, I will ask that you please don't comment or mention anything that I say on here from now on, unless its related to this blog. No posts on facebook, twitter, or conversations in person. If you are my friend, please don't discuss this with other friends. If you are my family, please don't discuss with other family members. This is the only place I will be able to let my thoughts and feelings out and some of the forthcoming information will be confidential. So please, lets keep it that way and leave it to this blog only.

Hell, aside from the 5 of you who I know read this, I don't know who else does anyway. But for my own sanity, I need to write, and in order to get unblocked I need to know its all going to stay here.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

20 months

It is so hard to believe, but my little girl is 20 months old today. Before I know it, I will be planning her 2nd birthday party. I am amazed at how fast time flies when you have a baby - I am trying to savor every moment!

Jordyn has grown so much these last few months. She is talking up a storm and loves learning new things. She started "school" full time this week. Since November she has been going 2 times a week, but now she goes 5 days. It was too hard to keep her occupied at home while I was trying to work, and she absolutely loves school. It has been so good for her - she has learned so many new things and is really thriving there.

Here is a picture of her in front of the wheel of our Tahoe. N says this is how we will chart her growth since we live in Texas. Its all about how big you are compared to your large SUV!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Jordyn turned 19 months old this week. Here she is with her daddy on the new hammock - they are both saying cheese!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Devil You Know

Two weeks ago I got a call from a former co-worker - someone I had worked with on and off over the years at the company where I was just laid off. Her boss was looking for a contractor to work on a project for 90 days, and she thought I'd be interested. She described the job to me, I called her boss to discuss it, went in 2 days later to finalize details including hourly salary and lo and behold, I am employed again.

I have mixed emotions about this job for a few reasons. First, I am back at the same company who has now laid me off twice in the last 9 years. Second, I was really enjoying my time at home with Jordyn, but unfortunately staying home full time isn't in the cards with a new house. There are a host of other reasons but those are the 2. While I know I have to work, I am at the point in my life where I am not sure I want a career. My first priority is being a mom to Jordyn, and if I can find a job that pays well and lets me do that then I am happy. This job allows me to do both those things. I am making pretty good money and can have a flexible schedule. Also, there is a comfort level and familiarity that is there since I have been at that company for 9 years. There is no learning curve or first week on the job jitters. I was able to jump right in and get started.

Of course, the economy is still in the shitter and this job is temporary for now. Also, the same BS exists at the company, just like it did before. The reality is, most companies have the same BS so I'd rather know about the BS beforehand so I can be prepared. A good friend told me, its the devil you know. And I'd rather know that sneaky bastard so I can get ready for him to bite me in the ass again. At least I'll have a house to live in and money in the bank.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Daddy's girl

Things have been rough lately. The layoff has been especially hard on me, and its been very challenging finding a new job. I am trying to stay positive and know it will all work out for the best. In the meantime, I am trying to enjoy my time off and spending as much of it with Jordyn as I can. Now that the weather is warm, we are getting out more and have been enjoying the pool. Here is a great picture of her and her daddy enjoying the water.

She is the reason I get up in the morning. Just looking at her sweet face gets me through the toughest days, and she always seems to know when I need a hug. She will be 18 months tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

17 months

Today Jordyn is 17 months old. I look at her and still see my sweet 5 pound baby girl swaddled in her hospital blanket. She is everything I ever dreamed she would be and worth every second we waited for her - and there are a lot of seconds in 8 years! I'd do it all over again for her. She fills my heart with such joy, and I absolutely melt when she says mama.

This past weekend she was a flower girl at my cousin's wedding. She was perfect.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Please can we get some good news??

I haven't posted for a few weeks. I've been in a funk. When I wrote my last post I had just gotten laid off and Jordyn was recovering from a stomach bug. Things only got worse once April arrived.

First, the lovely chief of police decided all shifts should bump to another shift so that night shift guys could experience day shift, and vice versa. So after getting screwed at the end of the year and having to do a 4 month night shift assignment, N and his entire shift were put on night shift for 3 months. Fabu. It sucks on many levels, but mostly for N because it messes up his body clock. There are a host of other reasons it sucks, but I'll leave that alone for now. Then mom came to visit from NY, which was great. Jordyn had finally started feeling better in the middle of mom's visit, so by the end she was back to her normal fun self. Mom left on a Monday. That Friday night, I went in to check on Jordyn before I went to bed. I was shocked to find vomit in her crib! I was alone since N was at work, so I got her up and brought her into the bathroom to clean her up. As we were sitting on the bathroom floor, she puked her guts up. Macaroni and cheese and grapes are not fun on the other end. She was shaking and felt very hot, so I took her temp and it was 102. She continued to throw up every 45 minutes until 3am. Her fever was almost 103. First thing Sat morning I called the dr and took her in to see him. He did an exam and as he listened to her lungs he said they sounded really "junky." He recommended a blood test and chest xray - thankfully they have a lab in their office and were there on sat. Her white blood cells were over 20,000 and her chest xray showed spots on her lungs. After everything my poor girl has been through, she was diagnosed with pneumonia. He gave her a shot of antibiotics and a prescription for oral antibiotics and alternating tylenol and motrin for the fever. All day all she did was lay on me - she was burning up and I felt so bad for her. By 6pm her fever broke and she was feeling much better. So we were resigned to time at home for her to heal. Thankfully the antibiotics worked and she didnt need to be admitted to the hospital for oxygen or anything.

As we were on the mend, I got a call from Mom that Grandma wasn't doing well. She's been in a nursing home with dementia for the last 4 years and had recently taken a turn for the worse. So we were waiting to see what would happen. The Saturday before Easter Jordyn was feeling better so I took her to the community Easter egg hunt by our new house. Let me jsut say I love my new neighborhood. Jordyn had a blast gathering eggs - I have lots of great pics but of course have not downloaded them yet. We came home and my mom called - Grandma had passed away. So we dropped everything, booked flights and all headed to NY the next day because the funeral was Monday. I was concerned about traveling with Jordyn since she was still recovering and was still on antibiotics, but she did great.

We are back home and Jordyn is doing great. I finally took her to school yesterday - she had been out for 2 whole weeks! She had a good day, and when I came to pick her up her teacher took me aside and said she had to talk to me. She wanted to let me know some kids in the adjacent toddler class had hand-foot-mouth disease and strep. Great, next thing for me to look forward to.

I finally updated my resume yesterday and sent it out to a few places. I am in such a funk because honestly, I just don't know what I want to do. I could fill my days spending time with Jordyn, cooking, cleaning, yoga, volunteer work, etc. But now that we have this big beautiful house, I have to find a job so I can pay for it. It sucks, because if we never moved we could have made it work on one salary. I never expected to get laid off so we went ahead with the home purchase. In the end I know it was the right thing to do, but right now I feel so helpless and unhappy - I just don't know how to handle it all. I mean seriously, how much is one person expected to handle?

I really need something good to happen, and fast.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Can't catch a break

I've been silent lately, but alot has happened. My last post was long, so I am going to keep this one short. After all the drama, we finally closed on both houses Monday 3/16. We moved into the new house the next day and have been here almost 2 weeks. We love it. Its huge - so much room, so much storage - everything we ever wanted. My kitchen is amazing and cooking in it is a dream. Jordyn is doing great and adapting to her new surroundings surprisingly well. Everything was going perfectly.

On Thursday I got laid off. 10 days after closing on my house, I lost my job. I am angry, hurt, pissed off, sad, and various other emotions I can't express. This is the 2nd time I have been laid off in 9 years at this company. The first time I felt it was personal. This time I know it was economical. In a team of 14 people, 4 of us were laid off. The company is in the shitter and the economy sucks. It doesn't sting any less, especially since I now have a larger mortgage to pay. My boss and other superiors knew about the move. How do you knowingly make the decision to lay someone off who just bought a new house. Never mind in 9 years I never had a less than perfect review, not a glitch on my HR file. I am furious.

The good news is I get a pretty good severance since I have been there so long. I can take some time to decide what I want to do and update my resume. I am just not looking forward to looking for a new job with the way things are right now. I don't want that stress, and don't want to worry about whether we will be able to afford our new house.

Oh and Jordyn had a stomach bug all week. Nothing like a layoff and some vomit to make you feel good about yourself.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Angry, Angry, Angry. Did I mention I was Angry?

Remember my previous screaming post from Monday? It's still going on. I am still screaming. This has been such a horrible week and the upcoming weekend is not providing much relief. I am supposed to be packing and getting excited about moving into my new beautiful house. Instead I am stressed out, trying to pack and hoping that we will finally close on our current house so we can close on the new one. I am so angry I can't even see straight and hope that typing this will help blow off some steam and make me feel better. I doubt it, but its worth a shot. Buckle up - its going to be a long, bumpy ride.

Everything was going perfectly. We put our house on the market at the end of January and after 2 offers in a week, we had a contract. We found our dream house shortly after and put an offer on it. We found out we qualified for a VA loan which was going to save us tons of money and fees so we were excited to have some cash for our savings to finally start Jordyn's college fund. Inspections were done, utilities switched over, address change with the post office - everything you'd do for a move. Then last Wednesday (the 4th) we got a call from an appraiser who needed to do the appraisal on our home for the new buyers. I was surprised they hadn't done it yet since we were supposed to close the coming Tuesday (the 10th.) The appraiser came and went and that was it. That Thursday I got a call from my realtor that our house didn't appraise for the sales price. We were shocked because we did a good comparative analysis of the neighborhood to get our sales price. The buyers did the same and obviously thought it was a fair price because they made an offer and we had a contract. Both realtors called the buyer's loan officer to request a review and they submitted both of their comps for backup. That evening the buyers came by to do their final walk through of the house and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

On Friday, our realtor called and said the appraiser felt he used good comps and rejected the re-evaluation of the appraisal. Oh, I forgot to mention he was off by $14,000, and he used the wrong sales price as the base value!! Clearly, there was something wrong. Then the buyers decided that the house was only worth what the appraiser said it was worth and unless we lowered our price, they wanted out. I could not believe this was happening. We were a few days away from closing and it seemed like it was all up in the air. First we thought, screw them. We'll get our own appraisal and put the house back on the market. It sold in 7 days last time so we were sure it would sell again. Our realtor spent the weekend getting 3rd party opinions and valuations of our home. What we found out is that no matter what someone else said, our home was now flagged in the system with the value the appraiser gave it, and would stay like that for 90 days. It was basically up to the appraiser and his report was complete. Our realtor then got in touch with the buyer's loan officer - this was Sunday night. They had a mutual friend so they were able to discuss everything. He agreed that the appraisal was way off based on the comps we had, and so did his manager. They were going to try and override the appraiser and up the value on the home themselves. We went to bed feeling hopeful.

Monday morning came and we found out that the bank had no luck - they could not override the appraiser's decision and they asked him one more time to reconsider. Again, he said no. This put us in a tough spot. We had 2 options - lower the price, eat into our profit and sell the house. Or option 2, put it back on the market, get our own appraisal, have 2 mortgages, run the risk of the existing appraisal overriding anything new and coming across the same problem 3 months from now. After taking all the emotion out of it, we decided to take the hit and get rid of the house. In this market, at least we were still making a profit. So we amended the contract, extended a few days and planned for a later in the week close.

The next day (Tuesday), I got a note from the title company of our new house with our settlement statement - what we had to bring to closing on the new house. She called me to discuss further and we set up the closing for Thursday (12th) as planned. Then she asked when we were closing on our current home. I told her it was up in the air - briefly explained there were some issues but they were being worked on. She became very quiet and then told me we needed the settlement statement from our sale in order to purchase the new home. Another roadblock we didn't expect. I called our loan officer and she said they only approved us for a loan based on our sale - they didn't approve it based on 2 mortgages. She said they could do it but it would have to go through underwriting again and could hold it up another week. We knew our house close was in process so we said forget it, and would let them know when our close was scheduled so we could come in to sign the ppwk on the new house. Crisis averted.

Wednesday I got a call from my realtor. As the buyer's loan was going through underwriting with the new price, something was flagged so they had to pull it. They said it was being worked on and would have to go back through underwriting and legal. Still looked OK for Thursday close. Thursday rolls around with no new. Their docs were still with the bank and the title company was just waiting to receive them to prepare the close. We agreed to do a 9am close today (Friday) and a 4pm close on our new home. Late in the day the title company still had not received the docs. We moved from 9am to 2pm. We'd do them back to back which was no problem - theit bank wires the money immediately so their loan would be legit and free us up to buy our home.

This morning I got a phone call that the title company still hadn't received the docs. The title company and both realtors left messages and emails for the loan officer and they never heard back. At almost noon I started to feel like it wasn't going to happen. The buyer went to the bank to hunt down the loan officer to find out wtf was going on, because they were in limbo too. He finally responded that the docs had not yet been sent to the title company and he didn't know what the hold up was, but was still hopeful we could do it today. I wasn't. This was starting to get old. And I had an appointment set up for tomorrow to have the grout on our tile floors sealed. Plus the fridge was supposed to be delivered Monday morning. We were going to spend the weekend bringing little things over and finish packing. I started to feel like my weekend was going to be filled with more stress. Boy was I ever right.

By 4pm there was no news. The title company still hadn't received the docs and we were still in a holding pattern. I started to fear that there was something wrong with their loan, but we confirmed with the bank everything was fine - it was just through the final underwriting and legal approvals. So now, we wait and hope that Monday morning rolls around and we get a call to come in and close on this house. The new house is waiting for us, all our docs are ready to be signed and keys waiting. The new glitch is that N has to work Monday - he can't even take off or call in sick because he is training a rookie. So we have no idea how he is going to be able to sign any of this paperwork. More to worry about.

The good news is that the sales person at the builder feels so bad for us and asked if there was anything she could do. I asked if I can have their builder key to let the guy in to still do my floors and she said yes, and left a key for me to pick up in the morning. So tomorrow morning our floors will be done. We had to call Sears to change the delivery date of the fridge from Monday to Tuesday, and the movers are still scheduled for Tuesday.

If we don't close on our current house on Monday I am seriously going to lose it. I really don't know how much more of this I can take. I just want to be in my new, beautiful house and I can't even get excited about it.

Well, I told you it was going to be a bumpy ride. And as predicted I don't feel any better. In fact, I am still angry. Angry about all of it. The stupid appraiser who didn't take any of our protest or background information into consideration. Angry that the buyer's are getting a freaking steal on this house. Angry at losing $14k for Jordyn's college fund. Angry that I can't relax and be excited about my new house. Angry that I can't sleep and this stress is making me ill - I woke up with a fever yesterday. And really angry at that damn appraiser for starting this whole mess. Did I mention I was angry at the appraiser??

I need a massage. And a drink. And I just need this to all be over.

Monday, March 9, 2009



OK I feel better. Not really.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sassy girl

Jordyn has been super fun lately. Smiling, laughing and just being cute. Here is a recent pic of her sitting out in the sun enjoying an afternoon snack. Don't you want to bite her?

Friday, February 13, 2009


Wow, I haven't posted in awhile. The last few weeks have been completely insane. I've been dealing with a sick baby who has had one illness after another. It started with a double ear infection which cleared after the antibiotics for 10 days. Then she had a upper respiratory infection with wheezing and she needed a nebulizer. At the same time she developed a stomach virus and was throwing up for a day. The chest congestion was better and she had loose coughing and a runny nose. It took her a good week to bounce back and start eating well again. Then I noticed her 1 year molars started coming in, but she was especially cranky and pulling on her ears. Of course, she now has another ear infection. Poor thing just can't catch a break. Its a combination of daycare and the weather. Hopefully as the weather gets warmer these illnesses will slow down a bit. I just want my baby to be healthy!!

In other news, we sold our house! In my last post we were about to put it on the market. After one day we had 5 showings and got an offer on the 2nd day. We went back and forth and couldnt come to an agreement so we didn't accept. We had a few more showings during the week and on that Thursday we got another offer. This time it was a better offer and we negotiated a bit but finally accepted. After only 7 days on the market we had a contract. We were really surprised because we didn't expect the house to sell so fast. But I guess Austin isn't as bad as some other markets - I know people who have had their house or apt on the market in other states for months with no interest. The new buyers wanted to close in 30 days so we had to act fast to find a new house. Luckily our realtor is a good friend so he helped us find something great. He used to work for one of the builders here in town so we went to visit one of the communities in the part of town we wanted to live in. They had 3 inventory homes available for immediate move in. We loved all 3 of them but one of them was perfect for us. It had the right amount of bedrooms, a family room, huge kitchen with granite countertops, game room upstairs and a guest suite with full bath downstairs. Its beautiful and most importantly, its huge. We are going from 1900 sq feet to 3048 sq feet. We desperately need the room and this is the house we can see Jordyn and any future children grow up in. So now we have to pack up everything and move in a month. Its exciting and scary all at the same time but we feel like its the right decision. All the stars were aligned with selling this house and finding the right new one, so it was all meant to be.

Here is a pic of us in front of our current house with the sold sign, and a pic of the outside of our new house. More updates to come!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


For months we have been talking about putting our house on the market. We have a lovely home now, and this week marked 7 years that we've been here. In those 7 years we've accumulated a lot of things, most recently tons and tons of baby clothes, toys and other random baby gear. Each day we feel like we are slowly growing out of this home as we seem to have no storage space for anything. Our small attic is full, and all our closets are jam-packed with things. We also hope to have another baby soon, and there is definitely not room for a 4th person. Yes, our starter home of 1845 sq feet, 3 beds and 2 baths is just not large enough to support our growing family.

Tomorrow is the day we put our house on the market. Its scary, especially in this economy. I worry that our house won't sell, or we won't get near what we are asking for it. We haven't started officially looking for a new house yet because we want to have a contract on this house before we actively pursue something. Its the smartest thing for us to do because we do not want to have 2 mortgages. And this way, if the house doesn't sell, or I get laid off (God forbid!) we can take the house off the market and stay put. We really have nothing to lose so we are going for it. Our realtor is a good friend of ours and he thinks we will be lucky. In our entire neighborhood there is not one 1-story home available for sale. He said many small families are looking for a 1-story and they are at a premium right now. So keep your fingers crossed that it won't take too long.

This week has been crazy as we were working to de-clutter and get the house ready. And poor Jordyn has a double ear infection so we've been dealing with that on top of everything else. I am exhausted. Tomorrow our realtor and photographer are coming to take photos of the house to include with the listing. I hope they turn out OK. Wish is luck!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Uncle Larry

Jordyn's Uncle Larry came to visit from NY last week. She's lucky to have a very cool 19 year old uncle! We had lots of fun visiting all his favorite restaurants - Jordyn now loves the Salt Lick as much as he does! Here is a pic of him reading "Five Silly Monkeys" to her on the night he arrived.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Back to Reality

Tomorrow we officially will take down Christmas 2008. All the ornaments and Christmas/Hanukkah decorations will be put away, the tree will come down, the lights outside will be packed, and it will all go up in the attic until next year. It always makes me sad to do this because the holidays are so festive, and the house always looks warm and inviting. But we had a great Christmas and holiday season, so at least those memories will make me happy! I've been off work for 2 weeks and Monday I have to go back to reality. Its been really nice having this time off to spend with Jordyn - I could totally get used to being a stay at home mom.

I can't believe its 2009 already. 2008 was a great year - so many milestones with a new baby and happy times for our family. I have big plans for 2009. I plan to finally decide once and for all what I want to do with my career. March will mark 9 years at this company, and after all this time I feel nothing. I have no passion for my job or my industry and I really need to take a look deep within myself to see what I want. See end sentence in above paragraph. If only it was a paying job I would take it in a second. This year we also plan to work on Baby #2. I am not sure what secondary infertility we will encounter this time around so we are going in with an open mind and will hope for the best. Finally, we plan to upgrade our living arrangements and move into a larger home. After Jordyn's birthday and Christmas, we are slowly realizing our lovely starter home is just too small for a growing family of 3. We need more space, more storage, more closets, and a play room for all Jordyn's crap. We are excited about moving and found a new house we love. We are terrified to sell our present house because of the current state of the market, especially since we are not interested in having 2 mortgages. So we will wait and see how things go - the plan is to put our house on the market within the next month. Lots of change and excitement on the horizon.

For my last dose of the holiday season, I will leave you with my favorite picture of Jordyn from Christmas. This was taken the day after Christmas and Jordyn was in her new Nutcracker PJs. She had on a elf hat from her PJs the night before and is so excited to be playing with her new toys.

Hope you all had a great holiday and wishing you all the best for 2009.